Wednesday, May 2, 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Optimizing CIPs for Water Savings

Davidson Ballroom B (level 1M)

Cleaning and sanitation within a brewery are critical to good beers; but these activities use a lot of water in the process. Speakers in this session have an incredibly amount of experience and knowledge that you won't want to miss. They will share tips, ideas, and projects you can take back to your brewery that will not only reduce your water consumption, but also ensure your breweries are in tip-top cleanliness. This session will address manual as well as automated CIPs so is appropriate for breweries of all sizes. If you live in an area that is water stressed or you just want to responsibly clean your brewery, this session is for you!


Chastain, Cheri
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Chastain, CheriSustainability Manager
Gorman, Denny
Boston Beer CompanyGorman, DennyMaintenance Manager
Kruger, Peter
Bear Republic Brewing CompanyKruger, PeterMaster Brewer
Perkins, Jason
Allagash Brewing Co.Perkins, Jason Brewmaster